Tajuddin Ahmed, 46.
Prime Minister, a lawyer who has been a chief organizer in the Awami League
since its founding in 1949. He is an expert in economics and is considered one
of the party's leading intellectuals.
Monday, Dec. 20,
1971. TIME Magazine
Bangladesh: Out of
War, a Nation Is Born
![]() |
Handwriting of Tajuddin Ahmad |
― This is how the
TIME Magazine described Tajuddin Ahmad(1925 - 1975) who was the first Prime
Minister of Bangladesh and served the country during its liberation war in
1971. In his younger age he used to keep diaries in English, not because of any
political reason but to write down his daily works and personal things. He
regularly kept it from 1946 to 1956. Few of those diaries survived the
calamities of the war. The following is his two days entry from the diary of
1947-1948. This shows his thoughts and philosophy about his one-time political
rival Mr. M. K. Gandhi, after the Congressman was shot dead in Delhi. It has to
be remembered that when Tajuddin Ahmad is writing this, he is a Bengali Muslim
youth of 22 years and a full time political worker of Muslim League. Moreover,
Indian subcontinent has just got independence from
British imperialism.
Rise 7 Am, Study 7-30 Am to 10 Am.
― No study afterwards.
At 1
pm Naimuddin Sb[1] sent a slip for
20/- ― gave a cheque of 20/-
4-45 pm went out with Fazlur Rahman & Habibullah ― halted in League office ―
Mujib, Showkat, Kalu, Nurul Huda were present ― came out at 5-30 pm ― Fazlur
Rahman & Habibullah gone.
Hazrat Ali came to Dr. Karim ― remained there upto 7 pm ― came to Basiruddin at
7-15 pm ― he did not take the copy.
to Mr. Shahjahan's house at 7-45 pm to meet Kamruddin Sb ― Jalil was there.
Sad day (Friday) ― Sad news
at 8 pm Jalil told me that Gandhiji was shot dead ― I could not believe ― Mr.
Shahjahan corroborated ― I was puzzled and for about 3 minutes I remained in
nervousness ― at the first utterance of news a peculiar harsh cry like voice
came out of my voice ― Kamruddin Sb came down at 8-20 pm ― he was very much
8-30 pm came out of Nurjahan Building ― heard the news of Radio at Becharams
Dewry with my own ears ― came to F.H. Hall[2]
at 9 pm & then to Dhaka Hall ― heard Pandit Nehru's speech and that of
Sardar Patel from 9-30 pm to 10 pm ― came back at 11 pm.
Bed at 12 pm
Weather normal.
For the first time I got shock from human death which I
always take for a very usual thing to happen.
Mahatma Gandhi ― born at Porbandar, Kathiwar, on 2nd
October 1869 ― died at Birlabhaban, New Delhi, on 30th January, 1948 at 5-40
pm(I.S.T.)[3] from assailant's bullet
shot ― He was 78 years 3 months 28 days.
was as usual proceeding towards the dias of his evening prayer meeting at 5-10
pm(I.S.T.) when one man stood up and shot 3 round pistol bullet one penetrating
Mahatma's chest and two others his abdomen ― he fell senseless ― Manu Gandhi
and Ava Gandhi supported him ― he was profusely bleeding ― after 30 minutes he
breathed his last in Birla Bhaban.
assailant was immediately caught by the audience ― His name is Nathuram Vinayak
Godse ― he is a Bombay Marahtta ― Editor of Hindu Rastro.
is to remember that only on 20th January, 10 days before, one man threw Bomb
towards Gandhiji while he was addressing the gathering of his prayer meeting in
the evening ― But that time he escaped.
me death is a common and natural thing ― I never mourn anybody's death. I
remember the death of my elder brother which took place in 1944 ― I was absent
during his death ― but I could not find any reason why I should be sorry for
remember the death of my own father only one year before ― a few days to
complete the year ― I was at Calcutta during his death in spite of his will ―
mourning was completely absent in me ― I only felt the burden of the family for
the first time ― I remember that I took 4 paratas and a complete full cup of
meat just about after 15 minutes of the receipt of the news of my father's
demise and I also remember how I slept a sound sleep at the next night of my
father's death in the very place where he breathed his last.
the case is different with me at the death of Gandhiji. I wanted to shake off
the melancholy in me as weakness. I took my night meal at 12 pm in spite of my
will. But I could not sleep against my will. While I was awake I was in Gandhiji,
when slumber caught me due to numbness it took me to Gandhiji.
the past the same I spoke against this Great Soul for political achievements
though not from conviction. To strengthen Muslim League was to weaken Congress;
and the best way of weakening Congress was to belittle Mahatma Gandhi, the very
Soul of the great organization. This was the only explanation of my conduct.
Rise 8 Am. No Study.
the Condolence meeting at the University Premises ― Began under presidency of
Dr. Hasan at 12-30 pm ― dissolved at 2 pm ― Messrs Dr. M. Hosain, Dr S. M.
Hosain, Kazi Motahar Hosain, Prof. Mujafar Ahmad Choudhury, B. A. Siddiqui
& others spoke.
2-30 pm went to Rly station[4] to get
news Paper ― People were rushing for paper in such a way as was not seen even
in the 3rd Class Booking office of the Cinema Halls of Dacca ― Man upon man
strangling the one, suffocating the other and trampling yet another was rushing
forward to get at least a scrap of paper where in lay the news of their hitherto
unfelt beloved friend ― I never saw such a crowd aiming at getting something ―
I remember the demand and high price of papers which published the sad demise
of the great Poet Rabindranath ― yet a then a full paper was got at paying ―
but this time one paid others shared the scraps ― such was the demand ― within
1 hour no paper was available ― people were searching and waiting for papers as
if mail has had to arrive still.
3-30 pm went to Nazir Library[5] ―
heard the Cremation Ceremony of the great sage over A. I. R.[6] upto 6-15 pm ― Back to mess at 7-30
pm. Bed at 10 pm. Weather normal.
city observed Hartal ― an unprecedented scene for Dacca City.
Condolence precession went out from Victoria Park ― met in a Condolence meeting at Coronation Park under presidency of Srish Chatterjee at 5 pm ― Silent prayer ― no speech.
declined and the Beacon Light of humanity declined too. Is it darkness then? ―
Light and darkness, darkness and light, night comes after day and day chases
the night, clouds and then sunshine, calamitous new moon and then delightful
full moon, despair finds expression in hope, troublous present passes into
forgetful past and sceptic future crawls on to present with fruition of hope ―
and so goes the world.
man whom we mourn today was one who travelled his long way through darkness to
light. Sometimes even he had to hover in the darkness for light. He searched
for light and lo! he himself was a light. A light can't be destroyed. It may be far from us. What of that! The pole
star though unimaginably distant from us is always and the only guide for the
people of ages in the dark arctic region. Every twinkle of its small eyes is a
guidance for us. Let us take the guidance of our Pole Star of the ages and
follow the footprint he left behind in addition. Amen!
11-45 Am (I.S.T.) Mahatma's body was taken out from Birla Bhaban in procession.
The cortege was carried by military personnel because the funeral was declared
a 'State funeral'. At 4-20 pm the Bier reached Rajghat on Jumna. At 4-30 pm the
body was placed on the pyre with head to the north. Devadas Gandhi placed over
his body a pile of sandal wood. Ramdas Gandhi lit the pyre at 4-55 pm (I.S.T.).
At 5 pm Mahatma's remains became ashes. Pandit Ramdhan Sharma read mantras over
was provided with 15 mds of Sandal wood, 4 mds of ghee, 2 mds of incense, 1 md[7] cocoanut and 15 seers camphor.
I am
luxurious in one thing though it is insignificant, that is in dressing hair.
Today I could not take bath nor did I care for hair dressing for 48 hours. I
remember one day Mr. Waseque rebuked me in Muslim League office for my using
snow on 10th Muharram. That day I said I did not believe in that sort of
expression of grief. But this time I had abandoned it for two days from inner
urge and out of forgetfulness.
[1] Sb : Shaheb
[2] F.H. Hall : Fazlul Huq Hall/Fazlul Huq Muslim Hall,
Estb. 1940
[3] I.S.T. : Indian Standard Time
[4] Rly station : Railway Station
[5] Nazir Library : A library in Old Dhaka
[6] A. I. R. : All India Radio
[7] md : Maund, 40 Seers
Introduction and copy from the manuscript :
Arindam Gustavo Biswas
11 September 2013